- Dec 02 Fri 2005 23:09
- Dec 01 Thu 2005 20:13
- Nov 27 Sun 2005 22:48
We are great at small talk~
- Nov 23 Wed 2005 20:57
- Nov 15 Tue 2005 11:48
二、 因為上帝無法照顧世界上每一個人,所以有了母親。衛生組無法關愛每一位同學,照看起居作息。亦難以確定每位同學於掃地時間,能各司其職,堅守工作崗位,所以,各班有衛生相關幹部。校園環境髒亂,衛生組接到通知後,處理流程(理想)為:衛生組=>各班幹部=>基層打掃同學。然而,如此流程極容易在最後的環節出問題。現實狀況是:衛生組=>各班幹部=>??? 意即,許多忠厚老實且未諳團體管理藝術的班級幹部,接到衛生組的通牒,在害怕被懲處卻又叫不動同學的情況下,通常選擇自己一個人獨自清掃,且不敢反應。
三、 沒有緊箍咒,很難相信悟空會有多乖;三藏不在,很難相信悟空不會欺負八戒與悟淨!
- Nov 13 Sun 2005 10:48
If you were rich, there are a lot of things you could buy. But that doesn’t guarantee you the true satisfaction. You might buy a house, but not a home; a diamond watch, but not time;
- Nov 13 Sun 2005 10:31
"We don't read and write poetry because it's cute. We read and write poetry because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering - these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love - these are what we stay alive for." This is a quote from the movie, “Dead Poet Society.” While there are a lot of quotable quotes in this movie, this one, from John Keating, who was the homeroom teacher, is especially memorable. It tells us the true essence of human life, not how much money one makes, not the status one achieves, but spiritual satisfaction one gains by being in love, engaging in romance, and savoring the beauty, all of which could be manifested in poetry.
Many things happened in lives, but not many could be kept in the deep corner of minds. Often, when we recall the past, it is not our achievement that emerges, but those that once gave us serene joy, exuberant ecstasy, stifling regret, or moaning misery-a tug at the heartstring. When these are melted in cauldron of words, the fragrance of poetry flows. Its ingredients are lives, and that’s why it’s part of the reasons we stay alive for.
- Nov 09 Wed 2005 20:57